How to find activecampaign API key, URL and list id


ActiveCampaign is a marketing automation platform that provides a suite of tools for email marketing, marketing automation, sales automation, and customer relationship management (CRM).

To find your ActiveCampaign API key, URL, and list ID, you’ll need to follow these steps:

Finding API keys and API URL

  1. Login to ActiveCampaign: Go to the ActiveCampaign website and log in to your account.
  2. Navigate to Settings: Once logged in, navigate to the “Settings” menu. This is usually located in the bottom left corner of the dashboard.
  3. Select Developer: Within the Settings menu, look for an option called “Developer” or “Developer Settings.” Click on it.
  4. API Access: In the Developer section, you should find a link or tab related to “API Access” or “API.” Click on it to access your API settings.
  5. Generate API Key: Look for a section where you can generate an API key. If you haven’t generated one before, you may need to create a new API key. Follow the instructions to generate the key.
  6. Copy API Key and URL: Once the API key is generated, copy both the API key and the API URL. The API URL will look something like:
activecampaign API key and URL

Finding List ID

  1. Navigate to Lists: In your ActiveCampaign dashboard, navigate to the “Contacts” menu then go to the “Lists” section. This is where you manage your email lists.
  2. Select the List: Choose the specific list for which you want to find the ID.
  3. List details: Once you’re in the details of the list, you should be able to find the List ID. It may be displayed in the URL of your browser or in the list details section. For example, the URL might look like In this case, “X” would be the List ID.
  4. Copy List ID: Copy the List ID for the list you’re interested in.
Activecampaign List id

Now that you have your ActiveCampaign API key, URL, and List ID, you can use these credentials to integrate ActiveCampaign with other tools, applications, or scripts that require access to your ActiveCampaign account. Always keep your API key secure and avoid sharing it publicly.